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The Breakup was Bad; Can I Still Get him Back?
So the breakup has happened, but you have reached a point where you are sick of waiting to see how things will develop; you want to know...
Love Bombing - His Manipulation Tactic 7
What is Love Bombing? Love Bombing is when a person showers another with affection, gifts, and promises for the future. Sounds great,...
3 Reasons Your ex Wants you to Contact him
Being quiet is a challenging task when implementing the no contact rule in a breakup scenario. You feel powerless, out of control, and in...
7 Reasons why the no Contact Rule Psychologically Works on men
Want to know the real secrets into why no contact works in getting your ex-boyfriend to realize what he's lost? Want to know how the no...
Ghosting - His Manipulation Tactic 6
Ghosting. The Casper Effect. The Disappearing Act. Call it any name you like. There's nothing worse than developing strong feelings for a...
Do You Really Want Him Back?
Being dumped can be a harsh blow to your self-esteem. Every woman wants to prove to herself that she isn’t a failure and in fact,...
Queen of England Anne Boleyn had Game
I love reading about powerful women in history because it really helps me understand the types of strategies and seduction techniques...
Mixed Signals - His Manipulation Tactic 5
Men are all about the competition. Not only do they want to pursue a challenge, but they embody one—we as women are always trying to...
How to Secure Dates 2 and 3
The first date is going brilliantly. He’s funny, gorgeous, and charming. You are enjoying every moment, but you keep thinking about how...
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