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Week1: Confidence in Emotion

Want the ability to work through your emotions and past trauma without feeling powerless?
Unlock your confidence in emotion.

❤️ Confidence in Emotion❤️ includes exercises that will help you work through your trauma, manage your emotions, and take back your power.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Ways to classify your survival responses
- Learn about your self-protective patterns.
- How to Identify your coping mechanisms
- Learn how your unconscious habits can be harmful to your well-being
- Ways to act in opposition to your old habits
- How you can release your negative self-protective patterns 
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages

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Week 2: Confidence in Letting Go

Want the secret in dissolving pain that's keeping you stuck?
We’ve created something to empower you with the confidence to let go of old pain

❤️ Confidence in Letting Go❤️ includes exercises that will help you dissolve root causes of pain that have kept you feeling stuck and unable to move forward.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Powerful ways to create a new positive life story
- Tap into your emotional awareness
- Release the blocked energy in your body and replace it
- Break the cycle of victimization
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages

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Week 3: Confidence in Pain

Are you ready to take your healing to the next level and move on for good?
We’ve created something to tap into your advanced healing process.

❤️ Confidence in Pain ❤️ includes exercises that will help you thrive in and from your pain and elevate you to new heights.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Methods to release habitual anger
- Nurturing your inner-child
- Learn how to embrace your emotional healing journey to be happy and confident
- Ways to win without resolving to anger
- How to make choices and respond to challenges
- Allowing change
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages

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Week 4: Confidence in your Dreams

Want the secret to discovering your purpose and living it?
We’ve created a way to find your light and your why.

❤️ Confidence in your dreams ❤️ includes exercises that will help you find your purpose and potential.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- ways to establish your personal mission
- Directions on finding your unique purpose fingerprint
- Techniques on how to unravel your individual journey
- The secret to your individual purpose
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages.

This is a digital product 


Week 5: Confidence in your Soul

Want to be in vibrational alignment with your desires?
We’ve created a space for you to have access to your higher self.


❤️ Confidence in your soul ❤️ includes exercises that will help you with your spiritual alignment.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Ways to access your Higher Being
- How to apply the 3 spiritual laws in your life
- Learn how to be more present
- Alignment assessment
- Visualization strategies
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages.

This is a digital product 




Week 6: Confidence in your career

Want the succeed in your career and business?
Here you will find prompts, strategies and ideas to make goal setting made easy.

❤️ Confidence in your career ❤️ includes exercises that will help you elevate your career.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Getting clear on your vision will help you take your career to the next level
- How to set SMART individual goals
- Unlocking a mindset of growth
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages.

This is a digital product 




Week 7: Confidence in Wealth

Want the key to becoming a money magnet?
Discover easy strategies to attract abundance.

❤️ Confidence in wealth ❤️ includes exercises that will help you open the door to money into your life.

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Ways to Manifest more money
- Learn how to align yourself up with abundance
- How to take action and practice attraction
- How to clear out old energy to make way for the new
- Create a good money mentality
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages

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Week 8: Confidence in Succeeding

Want to condition yourself to succeed?
We’ve created a way to find your light and your why.

❤️ Confidence in succeeding ❤️ includes exercises that will condition your mind for success

🍒 What You Get🍒
- Ways to recognize habits and patterns contributing to your success
- Secret to manifesting success with your heart
- Strategies to stay motivated
- Daily Transformation strategies
- Weekly Reflection
- Notes / ideas / Thoughts pages

This is a digital product 

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Confidence Blueprint Bundle

Comit to transforming your life by downloading week 1 - 8 at a discounted rate.


1: Confidence in Emotion - Trauma Awareness

2: Confidence in Letting go - Dissolving root causes keeping you stuck

3: Confidence in Pain - Elevated Healing

4: Confidence in your Dreams - Finding purpose

5: Confidence in your Soul - Spiritual Alignment

6: Confidence in your Career - Business Goals

7: Confidence in Wealth - opening the door to money

8: Confidence in Succeeding  - Conditioning yourself for success

This is a digital product 

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